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Wealth Beyond Money Top 5
1) One Wealth Beyond Money Idea
I’ve been quiet on Substack for almost a year now while I went on an inner journey to find more meaning and joy in my life.
If we have been in touch I may have already shared some of the new things I have discovered about myself that might be true of others. It’s been a time of deepening my relationship with the unconscious-shadow-unknown-disconnected-alienated-unworthy parts within that exist beyond words.
Some of you may know I have a background in multiple languages. I am a polyglot and languages and words have been a source of fascination (now reaching a level of sacredness) as I integrate the lessons I’ve learned over the last year.
There is a power in words that can heal cancers of the ego.
Can I offer evidence of this for the skeptically minded? No I can’t. All I can say is I have experienced a kind of release once I am able to verbalize things that may be old, shame-based patterns of thought and feeling before I had the words to label what was going on.
The pre-verbal awareness seen for example in young children and animals might be closer to truth that any words that clutter our beliefs about who we are and why we do what we do.
There is however wealth in well chosen words to heal a lot of the anxiety and emptiness that is the basis for many of our pursuits in the material world.
2) One Thing I Read
Ended up reading a few of this author’s books on self-esteem after reading The Disowned Self by Nathaniel Branden. This one is my favorite of his books on healing the self.
The Disowned Self explores, "...the problem of self-alienation - a condition in which the individual is out of contact with his own needs, feelings, emotions, frustrations and longings, so that he is largely oblivious to his actual self and his life is the reflection of an unreal self, of a role he has adopted. The problem of obliviousness to self, the causes and consequences of such obliviousness, and its treatment psychotherapeutically - is the theme of this book."
3) One Thing I Heard
This Lex Fridman podcast with Walter Isaacson on his new book Elon Musk had a lot to say about challenging childhoods common in high achievers and “the scars that can last the rest of your life. The question is not how do you avoid getting scarred, it’s how do you deal with it.”
4) One Quote
Why are you so enchanted by this world, when a mine of gold lies within you?
– Rumi
5) One Question For You
What inner resources can I unearth that will create more wealth in my life?
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Finally, if you read anything heart-warming, eye-opening, or uplifting this week, please share.
Until next time. Abundant week ahead.
Not financial, investing or tax advice. This newsletter is for information, entertainment and education purposes. Nothing in here is investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Talk to your professional advisors. Do your own research.