Pursuit Of Less
Addictions, Relationship Valuations, My Tribe Wish List, One Quote and One Question
Happy Friday and a big welcome to all new subscribers, thanks for subscribing.
Here is this week’s collection of Wealth Beyond Money Top 5 things on my mind.
1) One Wealth Beyond Money Idea
You can pursue more or you can pursue less.
It seems like for the most part the pursuit of more is a unconscious search to fill a need and not knowing how to meet that need.
Addictions are a great example of this.
An expanded and unconventional definition of addiction is something done compulsively because we are not clear what need we are trying to fill and the tools available are not satisfying.
I got my addictions and I'm realizing they are my teachers.
Getting clear on the need we want to meet and concentrating our effort on results that satiate looks a lot like the pursuit of less and what works.
This type of thinking clashes with capitalism and profit seeking businesses. It’s not evil, it’s simply maximizing their profits. Either way pursuing more or less is a choice we make.
2) One Tweet
How do you value healthy relationships? In our metric obsessed world you could put a price on it.
Not sure where he gets his valuation (the same is true about meme stocks and ponzinomic tokens) but I agree with his major point: it is something very valuable.
The inverse can also be true.
Toxic relationships have a major cost. My valuation: more than 100K. Consider the energy and time diverted away from realizing your vision and life goals toward nursing drama with overly-sensitive, anxious, and needy egos.
3) One Thing I’m Exploring
Getting clear on the people I can help.
A wish list:
Freedom is high on their list of values.
Time is the most valuable thing they own.
Clear on how price, (hidden) costs, and value are different and are able to make value v. price based decisions.
Having the financial ability and commitment to invest in themselves.
Ego that is generally at ease and open to trying new things and iterating i.e. teachable.
If this sounds like you and you want to explore how a coach can help you heal and enhance your relationship with self, time, and money connect with me here.
4) One Quote
We are addicted to our beliefs. We are addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, not as ideas that we can change.
5) One Question For You
Which beliefs am I addicted to and can I allow myself to let go?
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Finally, if you read anything interesting this week, please share.
Until next time. Abundant week ahead.
Not financial, investing or tax advice. This newsletter is for information, entertainment and education purposes. Nothing in here is investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This newsletter is not tax advice. Talk to your professional advisors. Do your own research